May 2024

My Favorite Workouts (+ motivation tips)


Lately, I’ve received a lot of requests to share my workout/fitness routine and to be quite honest with you guys, I’m really inconsistent when it comes to working out. I have months where I go to the gym 3 times a week, but, like everyone else, I also go through periods where I barely have the motivation to workout once a week. That being said, finding workouts that I enjoy has really helped me in being consistently active. But to give you guys a general idea of what I do, I can divide my workouts in 2 categories; cardio and pilates type exercises, which are amazing for toning.

When it comes to cardio, I used to go to Soulcycle once a week, which I absolutely loved. If you’re looking for a fun and high-intensity workout, I highly suggest trying it out. However, the closest Soulcycle to me is a 20 minute drive. Therefore, dragging my ass there did become more and more challenging as the months went on. That is why, I’ve recently changed my cardio routine to running 30 minutes on a treadmill, about 3 to 4 times a week. I’m lucky enough to have a gym located downstairs of my complex, which makes it really convenient to get my cardio in.

Now if you don’t have a gym membership, no need to panic! You can go for a run outside or simply follow a Youtube video, which personally are my favorite types of workout for many reasons. First of all, there are so many amazing fitness gurus, you can pretty much find any type of workout you are looking for. Secondly, not only does it give you the freedom to workout in the comfort of your own house, but it’s so convenient that there’s literally no excuse not to fit a 15-30 min video in your day. And lastly, they truly do work. I can honestly see great results when doing them consistently and after following a Pamela RF video (linked below), you’ll know exactly what I mean. Her workouts will leave you sore for days! Also, if you feel intimidated by gyms or simply don’t enjoy them, this is a great and different way to get your daily dose of physical activity.

Lastly, one tip that I can give you guys in terms of motivation is to workout first thing in the morning, before your brain is able to process what’s going on. I know you’ve heard it all before, “early bird gets the worm”, blablabla, but those cliché quotes exist for a reason. I used to only workout at night, but fatigue from a long day often lead to me skipping evening workouts and simply making excuses not to go.

I’ve linked all my favorite cardio, abs and butt workouts down below. I really hope they help you guys get in shape and be more motivated and consistent in your workout routine. If you try them out, please let me know if you enjoyed them in the comments below!

My favorite at home cardio / pilates type workouts:



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Sports bra  /  Leggings  /  Bag (similar)  /  Jacket